Home / Australia Parent Visa
Sponsor your Parents to Migrate to Australia

Zodiac migration will help you with all assessments, consultations, and visa processing. We are eager to make your immigration process smoother in terms of fast and hassle-free processing. A sponsor must be an Australian citizen, permanent occupant, or an eligible New Zealand citizen who is 18 years of age or older. A candidate who has lived in Australia lawfully for some time, which is common for two years before the parents lodge their visa application for Australian immigration.
The candidate must meet the health and character requirements to be eligible for a hassle-free parent visa.
Parent Visa permanent residency
Parent visa-subclass 103 allow the permanent residency in Australia. A permanent visa allows the parent of a settled Australian citizen to migrate country. Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen move to Australia is the first criteria to meet before applying for parent visa for permanent residency.
Be eligible for a sponsorship based visa. Furthermore, applicants must be sponsored by their child or spouse of one of their children in the family. This is preferred that your sponsor is above the age of 18 and is a settled in Australia. Applicant must bring the proof as a document that shows a relationship between you and the child of parent visa candidates. Furthermore, a written statement by the senior official of the organization agreeing to support the parents after their arrival in the country.

Aged Parent Visa permanent residency

The Aged Parent Visa-Subclass 804 is a Xerox of the Parent Subclass 103 Visa with some extra conditions to become eligible. Nevertheless, this visa is suitable for applicants who are eligible for the Australian age pension with permanent residency. A subclass 804 visa will allow you to live in Australia with your child forever. This visa has the lowest application fee of all the parent visas provided by the government. A permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia could sponsor their parent visa only. The Australian Government also permits community organizations to sponsor your application, provided you provide proof of the relationship between your child and the organization.
Contributory Parent Visa temporary residency
Australian Government has introduced ‘contributory’ parent visa categories into the Parent Visa structure. And If you are a parent of an Australian citizen, a permanent occupant, or an eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia then the Contributory Parent (Temporary) Visa will allow you to live in country for up to two years of span. Furthermore, if you are granted this visa, you may be able to put on for the Contributory Parent Visa (Permanent) Subclass 143 providing you meet the relevant conditions. As no Assurance of Support is necessary for this visa application, consequently this category has a shorter queue for processing. Although there is a much higher application fee to cover the costs of medical expenses and more, subclass 173 visa allows applications to spread the costs over the period they are in the country.